Mutation testing

Mutation testing

first steps with Stryker-Mutator .Net


I will explain why Mutation testing is an extraordinary tools that pushes to superior code quality.
I will also draft how Stryker-Mutator is implemented.

Mutation testing: WTF ?!

Mutation testing is second order testing, i.e. it tests your tests, not your code. You therefore use it on top of your favourite automated testing practices: TDD, BDD, ATDD…
Having a good mutation score means your tests are good, and you can trust them to catch errors. On the other hands, a low score means your test base won’t catch errors! Something that should alarm you.

Underlying Principle

In order to assess if your tests can spot bugs, mutation testing tools will inject bugs in your code base, then run the tests. At least one test should fail, confirming the bug has been found. Otherwise, the bug was undetected, which is obviously not cool!


The tool will generate Mutants, i.e. new versions of your code in which the tool has injected a single bug in each. Then the Mutants are tested using your test base. If the tests succeed, the mutant is a survivor, and this means your test base is imperfect. Conversely, if at least one test fails, the mutant has been killed, and everything is fine. Actually, there is a third option: the mutant can screw the logic of the code and create some infinite loop. To handle this situation, mutation testing tools have a timeout features that kills long running tests. Timeouts are considered as test failures, but reported specifically, as it is impossible to distinguish an endless loop and a bit of code that takes a long time to run (see halting problem).

The tool will generate several Mutants, tests them all and then report the survival rate. That is the percentage of survivors. It will also provide details on each generated mutant and its final status.

You want your survival percentage to be as low as possible. 0 would be great.


You have to bear in mind that those tools are no small undertakings and
come with limitations.

1. Speed

Mutation testing is SLOW. Remember that the tool has to:

  1. Analyze your project
  2. Generate Mutants
  3. For each Mutant:
  4. Compile it
  5. Test it
  6. Generate a resulting report

The costly part is the inner loop of course, where the tool needs to build and test each mutant.
For example, for NFluent Stryker-net generates around 1600 mutants, and a test run takes around 10 seconds. This give a grand total of roughly 4 (four) hours for complete testing. Run time can be significantly improve by using test coverage detail so the engine only run tests that may be impacted by the mutation. But it implies a tight collaboration between the test runner, the coverage tool and the mutation testing tool.

2. Mutations

The tool has to generate mutants, but this raises two conflicting goals:

  • On one hand, you want to inject a lot of mutants to really exert your tests.
  • But on the other hand, you need to have an acceptable running time, hence a reasonable number of test runs (= mutants).

The tool must also try and generate interesting mutants: the objective is to inject non trivial bugs. The usual approach is to rely on simple patterns, that can be mutated quite simply. Such as replacing comparisons (less by greater, of less by less or equal, and vice-versa), increment by decrement, inverting ifs condition…

3. Implementation

Creating a mutation tool is a daunting task: in order to generate realistic and interesting mutants, the tool must perform syntactic analysis of the source code to identify patterns it can modify.

For language having an intermediate form, such a Java or C#/F#, the tool can mutate the bytecode/IL directly (I think PITest does this). It has the great advantage of being simpler to implement (IL/Bytecode is a pretty limited language, close to assembler). But with a significant drawback as it may be difficult or even impossible to show the mutation at the source code level.

As a user, being able to read the mutated code is important, as it helps you to reproduce the mutants if need arises.

On the .Net front, the implementation complexity has long been a major obstacle; the most advanced project, Ninja-Turtle, uses IL modification.


There is an important prerequisite: having a decent test coverage. Keep in mind that any uncovered significant block of code/method will be a mutants’ nest and will drag your score down.

Discovering Stryker-Mutator.Net

We have a clear and simple test coverage strategy for NFluent: 100% of line and branch coverage. Quality is paramount for an assertion library, as the quality of other projects depends on it, and I made a personal commitment to keep the bar at 100%. It sometimes accidentally drops a bit, but top priority is to restore it when the slip is discovered. You can check it by yourself on

For the past 3 years, some people (well @alexandre_victoor, mostly) said we need to look into mutation testing to assess the quality of our tests. But, when I tried to a couple of years ago, I discovered a bleak reality: there was no actively supported mutation testing tool for .Net.

That is, until September 2018, where the first alpha versions of Stryker Mutator were released for Net Core.

First steps

I immediately decided to try it on NFluent; so on mid October 2018, I installed Stryker-Mutator (V0.3) and made my first runs. Which meant: adding a dependency to the NFluent test project for Net.Core 2.1 and using dotnet stryker command to initiate the test.
Sadly, I kept having a bleak result: no mutants were generated, so no score
was computed.

I suspected it was related to NFluent heavy reliance on Visual Studio shared projects. Having a glance at the Stryker’s source code seemed to confirm my intuition as I discovered that Stryker reads the csp file in order to discover the source files of the project. Next step was to fork the project on Github and debug it to confirm my suspicion. I saw this issue as a perfect opportunity for me. Indeed, it allowed me to fulfil several important ambitions I had in my backlogs for a couple of years:

  1. Contribute to an OSS (besides NFluent)
  2. Secure the reliability of NFluent
  3. Increase attractiveness of Net Core platform
  4. Satisfy my curiosity and understand the underlying design of a mutation testing tool.

In the following weeks I opened 5 pull requests to Stryker for features I though were important for the project success:

  1. Support for shared projects (a feature often used by OSS projects for supporting multiple Net framework versions)
  2. Improve performance (of the running tests)
  3. Improve experience when used on a laptop (see footnote 1 for details)
  4. Improve experience when Stryker failed to generate proper mutants
  5. Improve experience by providing estimated remaining running time

I must say that Stryker’s project team was helpful and receptive to my suggestions, which is great, considering they are still in the early stage of the project and very busy adding features.

Getting the first results

I got the first successful run mid November, and the results did surprise me:
224 mutants survived out of 1557 generated, roughly 15% of survival rate. Definitely more than I anticipated, having in mind that the project as a 100% test coverage rate.

I assumed I had a lot of false positive, i.e. mutations that were supposed to survive.

I was wrong!

Once I started reviewing those survivors, I quickly realised that almost all survivors were relevant, but also that they were strong indications of actual code weaknesses.

I have been improving the code and test since, and on my latest run, the survival rate is down to 10.5% (174 out of 1644).

Post mortem of failed kills

The surviving mutants can be classified in categories. Please note that I have not established any objective statistics regarding those category, I only share my impression regarding the size of those various groups.

1. No test coverage

That is, mutants that survived simply because the code was not part of any test whatsoever. It should not have happened, since I have 100% test coverage. Yes but NFluent relies on several test assemblies to reach 100% coverage, and current Stryker versions can only be applied on a single testing assembly.
We use several assemblies for good reasons, as we have one per supported Net framework version (2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.7, net standard 1.3 and 2.0) as well as one per testing framework we explicitly support (NUnit, xUnit, MSTest).
But also for less valid reasons, such as testing edge cases for low level utility code.

For me, those survivors are signs of a slight ugliness that should be fixed but may not be, due to external constraints, in the context of NFluent. As I said earlier, I suspect this is the largest group, 25-30% of the overall population (in NFluent case).

2. Insufficient assertions

That is, mutants that survived due to some lacking assertions. That was the category I was predicting I will have a lot of. NFluent puts a strong emphasis on error messages and as such, tests much checks the generated error messages. It turns out that we did not test some error messages, so any mutation of the associated text strings or code may survive. Sometimes, it was simple oversight. So fixing this meant simply adding the appropriate assertion.

Sometimes it was a bit trickier; for example, NFluent has an assertion for the execution time of a lambda. Here is (part of) the failing check that is part of the test code base.

// this always fails as the execution time is never 0
Check.ThatCode(() => Thread.Sleep(0)).LastsLessThan(0, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);

The problem is that since the actual execution time will vary, the error message contains a variable part (the actual execution time).

Here is the original test in full

public void FailDurationTest()
    Check.ThatCode(() =>
            Check.ThatCode(() => Thread.Sleep(0)).LastsLessThan(0, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
        .AndWhichMessage().StartsWith(Environment.NewLine +
            "The checked code took too much time to execute." + Environment.NewLine +
            "The checked execution time:");

As you can see, the assertion only checks for the beginning of the message. But the actual message looks like this

The checked code's execution time was too high.
The checked code's execution time:
    [0.7692 Milliseconds]
The expected code's execution time: less than
    [0 Milliseconds]

So any mutant that would corrupt the second part of the message would not be caught by the test. So to improve the efficiency of the test, I added support for regular expression.

public void FailDurationTest()
    Check.ThatCode(() =>
            Check.ThatCode(() => Thread.Sleep(0)).LastsLessThan(0, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
            "The checked code's execution time was too high.",
            "The checked code's execution time:",
            "#\\[.+ Milliseconds\\]",
            "The expected code's execution time: less than",
            "\t[0 Milliseconds]");

Yes, the regular expression is still a bit permissive. But all related mutants are killed.

And you know the best part of this: in the actual NFluent’s code there was a regression that garbled the error message. It turned out it was introduced a year before after a refactoring. And the insufficient assertions let it pass undetected.
So I was able to fix an issue thanks to Stryker-Mutator!

3. Limit cases

That is mutants that survived because they relate to how limits are handled in the code and the tests. Mutation of limits handling strategy may survive if you do not explicitly have tests for them.
The typical case is this one:

public static ICheckLink<ICheck<TimeSpan>> IsGreaterThan(this ICheck<TimeSpan> check, Duration providedDuration)
        .CheckSutAttributes( sut => new Duration(sut, providedDuration.Unit), "")
        // important line is here
        .FailWhen(sut => sut <= providedDuration, "The {0} is not more than the limit.")
        .OnNegate("The {0} is more than the limit.")
        .ComparingTo(providedDuration, "more than", "less than or equal to")
    return ExtensibilityHelper.BuildCheckLink(check);

As you can see, IsGreaterThan implements a strict comparison, hence if the duration is equal to the provided limit, the check will fail.
Here are the tests for this check:

public void IsGreaterThanWorks()
    var testValue = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);

    Check.ThatCode(() =>
            Check.That(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)).IsGreaterThan(100, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
            "The checked duration is not more than the limit.",
            "The checked duration:",
            "\t[50 Milliseconds]",
            "The expected duration: more than",
            "\t[100 Milliseconds]");

Stryker-Mutator.Net will mutate the comparison replacing <= by <

,FailWhen(sut => sut < providedDuration, "The {0} is not more than the limit.")

And the tests will keep on working. My initial reaction was to regard those as false positive. On second thought, I realised that not having a test to deal with the limit case, was equivalent to consider the limit case as undefined behaviour. Indeed, any change of behaviour would introduce a silent breaking change. Definitely not what I am ok with….

Of course, the required change is trivial, adding the following test:

public void IsGreaterThanFailsOnLimitValue()
    Check.ThatCode(() =>
            Check.That(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)).IsGreaterThan(50, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
            "The checked duration is not more than the limit.",
            "The checked duration:",
            "\t[50 Milliseconds]",
            "The expected duration: more than",
            "\t[50 Milliseconds]");

4. Refactoring needed

This is the category that hurts me the most, but I deserve it so much I can’t
complain. Wherever I have complex code, ridden with multi criteria conditions and multi-lines expressions, I get a high survival rate (high as in 30-40%). This method is a good example of such a code.
This method has such cyclomatic complexity as well as overlapping conditions that many mutants are able to survive. Each of them is a false positive, in essence, but the sheer numbers of those is a clear smell.
Here is an example of surviving mutants:

// original line
var boolSingleLine = actualLines.Length == 1 && expectedLines.Length == 1;
// mutant
var boolSingleLine = actualLines.Length == 1 || expectedLines.Length == 1;

This flag (boolSingleLine) is used in string comparison to optimize error messages.

It turns out that you cannot devise a test that would kill this mutant: due to the logic in previous lines (not displayed here) either actualLines and expectedLines have both one line, or they both have more than one.

I was tempted to just mark it as a false positive and do nothing about it; but then I realised that it was a smell, the smell of bugs to come: the flow was objectively so complex that I could no longer understand, lest anticipate the impact of any change (link to original code).

So I refactored it toward a simpler and cleaner design (new version here).

5.Algorithm simplification

It relates to the need for refactoring, but with deeper benefits: sometimes you end with a needlessly complex algorithm, but you do not know how to simplify it. If you already have full test coverage (line and branch), having a survivor may be the sign that you have useless conditions, or unreachable program state.
Here is an example: the InThatOrder implementation method. Its purpose is to verify that a set of values appears in the proposed order within an other enumeration (the sut) ignoring missing values. My original implementation‘s algorithm was:

  1. select the first value V from the list of expected values expected
  2. for each entry T in sut
  3. if it is different from the expected one:
  4. check if T is present in the rest of expected
    1. if yes, select its position in expectedLines, and skip duplicates
    2. if no and T is present before the current position, return an error
  5. if T is not present in the rest but is present before the
    current position returns an error.
  6. when every sut entry has been checked, return that everything is fine

But Stryker generated a mutant with inverted condition for line 3 (if is the same as the expected one)!

I peered at the code, tried to add some test to kill the mutant, to no avail. In fact, this condition was useless, or to be more specific, it was redundant with the overall logic. So I removed it, achieving cleaner code.

6. Conclusion

A few years ago, Alexandre Victoor (@Alex_victoor) kept telling me about the virtues of mutant testing. I was somewhat convinced, but I saw it a bit overkill and somewhat impractical, but still eager to test, nonetheless. Alas nothing was available for .Net. The good news is that this is no longer true. And you should try it to:

  1. At the very least it will show you how much risk remains in your code and help you identify where your should add some tests.
  2. If you have decent coverage, it will help you improve your code and your design.

You should try it now. At this writing, Stryker has reached version 0.11 and is fully usable. Try it, discover what it entails and what it provides.

It will help you improve your skills and move forward.


  1. I had a lot of timeout results on my laptop. I realized it was related to
    my MBA going into sleep. I revised Striker’s timeout strategy to handle this situation
    and voilà, no more random timeouts.

100% code coverage is good

100% code coverage is good

Quick Rex about 100% code coverage

read comments here

TLDR; maintaining 100% coverage brings many benefits, you need to try it.

A few years ago I blogged about aiming for 100% code coverage for your tests. This post made some noise and the feedback was essentially negative. I was even called out as a troll a few times…

Being stubborn and dedicated, I understood I needed to put my money where my mouth was, and start to practice what I preached. I did and this post is about what I learned by reaching 100% code coverage for my tests.

Continue reading “100% code coverage is good”

Quality is too serious to be left in the Craftsmen’s hands!

First contact

I must confess I have something of an ambivalent relationship with the ‘Software Craftsmanship‘ movement. My first contact with it was the discovery of some post about ‘developer’s pride’. personally, I am more a ‘developer’s humility’ kind of guy! Boasting pride sound stupid and short-sighted to me. Reading the manifesto and other articles somewhat moderated my initial reaction: striving for continuous self-improvement, promoting test driven practices are objectives I deeply believe in. Then my next realisation was that Software Craftmanship was basically promoting XP practices. But, instead of making them core to a team based effort, the craftsmanship movement promotes the idea that those must be a personal initiative.

Kinda cute but…

It looks fairly naive to me. Don’t get me wrong, it is important to embrace a quality driven approach, but if you believe you can transform such a large industry by the sheer goodwill of some engineers, I am sorry to say you are gonna be very disappointed. Furthermore, I think this may even be counterproductive as it will eventually create a split between craftsmen and your average developers, the formers being more consistent in their delivery than the seconds, but being significantly more expensive too.

By the way, lets speak it out in the open: quality has a cost, period. And let’s go to the core of the argument: Quality is too serious to be left in the Craftsmen’s hands.

Of course

Yes, it is often a smart investment, but it has an upfront cost. Therefore, it must not be hidden to the customer/product owner/sponsor. Most IT projects main deliverable is a code base and processes that transform this code base to a working software. And this code base is more often than not expected to be extendable, at least decently maintainable. That implies that automated tests are part of that deliverable, and one that significantly enhance the maintainability of it.

The question is then: what is the business value of tests?

Every other industry that I am aware of have a decent appreciation of the value of tests.

At the lower end you will find cheap plastic contraptions made by some sub par eastern factory: we don’t need test to understand we sell crap and replacing is cheaper than fixing.

At the higher end you will find the aeronautic industries where extensive testing is the norm: whenever someone fails, the whole industry is at risk.

Both of those testing strategies are relevant to the business model of the respective industry.


negotiate with your customer/product owner the investment on tests. You have metrics to prove the effort:

– coverage (line or branch)

– mutant testing (demonstrate effectiveness)

Of course, regulatory constraint may as well drive the expected level of quality and testing.

So what about Craftmanship?

If you wanna engage on the Craftmanship journey, you have my full support. But understand that you have to adapt your testing practices to the wishes of your customer.


The danger of microbenchmarking

Performance measurement is a hot topic

in IT, and it has always been so. How fast is the new hardware, which RDBMS has the highest TPS, which implementation has the lowest memory footprint…

Nowadays, pretty much anyone with a decent knowledge of a programming language can write some benchmark and publish his results, so benchmarks flourish everywhere.

Please read them with the colloquial grain of salt: measurement is hard and more often than not, the benchmark may include some bias favoring the author expectations. The bias will probably be accidental and of limited impact, but it will be there nonetheless.

But I wanted to discuss about microbenchmarking, with a focus on concurrency related ones.

Continue reading “The danger of microbenchmarking”

NFluent 0.5 is out

NFluent 0.5 is out

The beta version of nFluent as just been released on nuget by T.Pierrain. For those who may be wondering, nFluent aims at bringing to the C# ecosystem all the benefits provided by the FEST assertions library.

It supports english like test assertions and rely on auto-completion to guide developer into the writing of tests.

Plus it provides explicit error messages, making test driven fast and fun!

PS: for transparency, please note that I contribute to this initiative.