Scrum + Craftsmanship != XP

My previous post, XP revival, dealt with the positive trend around XP as a project methodology. I explicitly stated that adding Craftsmanship practices on top of Scrum does not mean that you’re doing XP. In this post I am going to answer the explicit request to elaborate more on that topic.  It is a well-known fact that Scrum prescribes no engineering practice, leaving teams choosing the ones they see fit. A strategy that led more often than not to what Martin Fowler coined as flaccidscrum, projects which velocity drops to a halt. This situation also contributed to the birth  of the Software Craftsmanship movement, which aims at raising the bar for code engineering practices. It also stresses out that a coder must make those practices his own responsibility.
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Quality is too serious to be left in the Craftsmen’s hands!

First contact

I must confess I have something of an ambivalent relationship with the ‘Software Craftsmanship‘ movement. My first contact with it was the discovery of some post about ‘developer’s pride’. personally, I am more a ‘developer’s humility’ kind of guy! Boasting pride sound stupid and short-sighted to me. Reading the manifesto and other articles somewhat moderated my initial reaction: striving for continuous self-improvement, promoting test driven practices are objectives I deeply believe in. Then my next realisation was that Software Craftmanship was basically promoting XP practices. But, instead of making them core to a team based effort, the craftsmanship movement promotes the idea that those must be a personal initiative.

Kinda cute but…

It looks fairly naive to me. Don’t get me wrong, it is important to embrace a quality driven approach, but if you believe you can transform such a large industry by the sheer goodwill of some engineers, I am sorry to say you are gonna be very disappointed. Furthermore, I think this may even be counterproductive as it will eventually create a split between craftsmen and your average developers, the formers being more consistent in their delivery than the seconds, but being significantly more expensive too.

By the way, lets speak it out in the open: quality has a cost, period. And let’s go to the core of the argument: Quality is too serious to be left in the Craftsmen’s hands.

Of course

Yes, it is often a smart investment, but it has an upfront cost. Therefore, it must not be hidden to the customer/product owner/sponsor. Most IT projects main deliverable is a code base and processes that transform this code base to a working software. And this code base is more often than not expected to be extendable, at least decently maintainable. That implies that automated tests are part of that deliverable, and one that significantly enhance the maintainability of it.

The question is then: what is the business value of tests?

Every other industry that I am aware of have a decent appreciation of the value of tests.

At the lower end you will find cheap plastic contraptions made by some sub par eastern factory: we don’t need test to understand we sell crap and replacing is cheaper than fixing.

At the higher end you will find the aeronautic industries where extensive testing is the norm: whenever someone fails, the whole industry is at risk.

Both of those testing strategies are relevant to the business model of the respective industry.


negotiate with your customer/product owner the investment on tests. You have metrics to prove the effort:

– coverage (line or branch)

– mutant testing (demonstrate effectiveness)

Of course, regulatory constraint may as well drive the expected level of quality and testing.

So what about Craftmanship?

If you wanna engage on the Craftmanship journey, you have my full support. But understand that you have to adapt your testing practices to the wishes of your customer.